This is an Interdisciplinary Major that is not part of any specific department.
At the upper division, total units required are 24 (preparation for the major, at
the lower division, requires 6 units).
Preparation for the Major (6 units)
- LGBT 101 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies (3 units)
and three units selected from:
- HIST 125 Sexuality, Past and Present (3 units)
- WMNST 101 Gender: Self, Identity, and Society (3 units)
- WMNST 102 Women: Images and Ideas (3 units)
Core Courses (12 units)
Choose four (4) courses from the following:
- LGBT 321 LGBT Identities in the Modern World (3 units)
- LGBT 322/HUM 322 LGBT History and Culture (3 units)
- LGBT 333 Trans/Gender Studies (3 units)
- LGBT 350 Queer of Color Studies (3 units)
- LGBT 499 Special Study 1.00 - (3 units)
- LGBT 597 Research Project (3 units)
- ENGL 450 LGBT Literature and Culture (3 units)
- ENGL 550 Queer Texts and Contexts (3 units)
- PHIL 544/WMNST 0544 Queer Theory (3 units)
- WMNST 533 Trans Feminisms (3 units)
- WMNST 535 Lesbian Lives and Cultures (3 units)
Internship or Study Abroad (3 units)
Choose one (1) course from the following:
- LGBT 598 Internship
or - LGBT-related international study abroad (with approval of the advisor)
(if you take both of these courses, one counts as an elective)
Elective Courses (9 units)
Electives may include other core courses, beside the 4 (four) that you have chosen as your core courses AND/OR 3 courses from the following:
- AFRAS 455 Africana Class, Gender, and Sexualities (3 units)
- ANTH 333/LATAM 333 Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in the Americas (3 units)
- ANTH 536 Gender and Human Sexuality (3 units)
- CCS 340A Gender, Sex, and Politics in Colonial Mexico (3 units)
- CCS 340B Chicana Women's History: 1848 to Present (3 units)
- CLASS 360 Sex, Gender, and the Erotic in the Ancient World (3 units)
- COMM 452 Interaction and Gender (3 units)
- ED 484 Valuing Human Diversity (3 units)
- GEN S 340 Confronting AIDS (3 units)
- GERO 360 Diversity and Aging (3 units)
- HIST 406 History of Sexuality (3 units)
- HIST 583 Topics in History of Gender and Sexuality (3 units)
- JMS 410 Media and Sexuality (3 units)
- JMS 452 Media and Identity (3 units)
- MGT 467 Diversity Issues (3 units)
- PSY 355 Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior (3 units)
- PSY 442 Prejudice and Stereotypes (3 units)
- P H 353 Human Sexuality and Disease (3 units)
- SOC 320 Sex and Gender in Contemporary Society (3 units)
- SOC 420 Sexuality in Modern Society (3 units)
- SOC 421 The American Family (3 units)
- SOC 455 Sociology of Intersectionality (3 units)
- THEA 465 Theatre of Diversity (3 units)
- TFM 470 Critical Studies of Gender/Sexuality/Media (3 units)
- WMNST 340 History of Women and Sexuality in Modern Europe (3 units)
- WMNST 355 Feminist Approaches to Popular Culture
- WMNST 360 Women's Sexuality and the Body (3 units)
- WMNST 382 Gender, Science and Technology (3 units)
- WMNST 536 Gender, Race, and Class (3 units)
- WMNST 590 Feminist Thought (3 units)
or - 499 Special Study course from any discipline with consent of adviser (1-3 units)
**Additional courses are acceptable with approval of the adviser.**
Language Requirement
Competency (successfully completing a third semester college or fifth college quarter)
is required in one foreign language to fulfill the graduation requirement. Refer to
the section of this catalog on “Graduation Requirements.”
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement
Passing the Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 10 or above or completing
one of the upper division writing courses (W) with a grade of C (2.0) or better. See
“Graduation Requirements” section of the online SDSU catalog for a complete listing
of requirements.
Catalog Description of the Major
The interdisciplinary major in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies advances knowledge in sexual and gender identity, and increases understanding of the diverse cultural, historical, ethnic/racial, and contemporary experiences of people across sexualities. The focus is on the changing nature of same-sex desire, sexual behavior, and same-sex relationships from antiquity to the present. Courses focus on emerging LGBTQ+ subcultures and identities from a global perspective. From there, courses address scientific and psychological explanations of LGBTQ+ identities, LGBTQ+ literature, the institutions of law and government, education and the workplace, family, and healthcare. Finally, students have the opportunity to examine local and international LGBTQ+ movements, popular culture, and news media in the current day. Throughout the program of study, we will carefully consider the full range of genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, classes, physical abilities, religions, and political persuasions that characterize current LGBTQ+ movements and communities.
Courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive, integrated, and scholarly education. The major also exposes students to community service and activism via a large selection of internships, and to global sexuality issues via international experiences.
A degree in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies
prepares students for a large variety of careers. Students majoring in Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies can work in LGBTQ+ non-profit
agencies, law, local and national politics, health care settings, counseling centers,
journalism, news media, theatre, film, fine arts, and education. LGBTQ+ Studies majors
may go on to obtain graduate degrees, preparing for a career as an LGBTQ+ Studies
scholar. LGBTQ+ Studies majors can also double-major to enhance their career opportunities.
Students are required to meet with the undergraduate adviser in order to declare the
major. All students admitted to the university with a declared major in lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer, and plus (LGBTQ+) Studies are urged to meet with the
undergraduate adviser either prior to or during their first semester. See our advising page for more information.