LGBTQ+ Studies Certificate
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies Certificate provides students with skills essential for living and working in diverse communities and also provides insights into artistic, economic, political, and social forces that shape society. The courses that comprise the certificate examine LGBTQ+ communities, cultures, histories, and individuals through intersectional lenses to include ability, age, class, color, and gender and sexual diversity.
Students may obtain the certificate without majoring or minoring in LGBTQ+ studies. Units taken toward this basic certificate will not count toward a major or minor in LGBTQ+ studies. Students who opt to switch from the basic certificate to a major or minor before it is awarded may count these units with the approval of the adviser. A maximum of 6 units of transfer credit from other SDSU courses may count toward the certificate with the approval of an adviser.
The certificate consists of a minimum of 12 units selected from:
- LGBT 101 - Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies
- LGBT 321 - LGBT Identities in the Modern World
- LGBT 322 - LGBT History and Culture
- LGBT 333 - Trans/Gender Studies
- LGBT 350 - Queer of Color Studies
- LGBT 499 - Special Study
- LGBT 550 - Queering Comics
- LGBT 597 - Research Project
- LGBT 598 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Internship
- ECL 450 - LGBT Literature and Culture
- ECL 550 - Queer Texts and Contexts
- HUM 322 - LGBT History and Culture
- PHIL 544 - Queer Theory
- WMNST 533 - Trans Feminisms
- WMNST 535 - Lesbian Lives and Cultures
- WMNST 544 - Queer Theory
Please email Interim Program Director Priya Kandaswamy at [email protected] if you are interested in the certificate or have questions.